November 4, 2014

Monday Menu

Every Sunday I sit down with the essentials to plan our weekly menu.

November Seasonal Produce Guide & Recipes
  1. note pad 
  2. calendar
  3. seasonal produce list 
  4. Pinterest/websites/cookbooks

This is by no means unique or revolutionary. Many budget and health conscious people are out there menu planning every week. I learned this chore healthy habit from my mom and I have a love hate relationship with it. I LOVE to be organized, know what is coming next, plan plan plan! But some weeks I have a serious lack of inspiration for what to make. Cooking is a creative outlet for me and I experience a sense of peace when I'm in the kitchen measuring, stirring, and chopping away. I also tie much of my sense of confidence and accomplishment or lack there of, to the reaction others have to what I make. Sound crazy? ridiculous? a little much it's just dinner? I know, but we all have our "issues."

Hope you find a recipe that inspires you to enjoy your time in the kitchen.

11. 02. 14 - 11. 08. 14

This week is very atypical in the Crane house.  As the holiday season begins we are getting quite busy. Both this and next weekend we are celebrating occasions with family and friends and we have two days this week that we are eating out for dinner. Usually we cook a minimum of 5 dinners a week at home so our menu is rather full of wholes.

During weeks like this we tend to run out of food for lunches so I make sure to incorporate a big soup mid week or stock up on sandwich and smoothie fix-ins' so there is always something easy to make on the go. More thoughts on meal planning here.

Sunday- Driving back from Halloween weekend in Vegas

Monday- Butternut Squash & Lentil Pot Pie

Tuesday- Taco Tuesday (Dinner with friends)

Wednesday- Slow-Cooker Chili 

Slow-Cooker Vegetarian Chili With Sweet Potatoes

Thursday- Fish Tacos

Tequila lime fish tacos //

Friday- Turkey meatball and zucchini noodles, with Giada's marinara 

Saturday- Torress&Cimino Wedding Weekend!

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