November 24, 2014

Monday menu- Thankgivng edition

We are on the road this week so our regular menu is out the window. If you are like me holidays are a free pass to "eat bad." More specifically all the sweets and carbs. I normally avoid are free game and watching my portion size is laughable. This holiday season I've been thinking more about why this happens and the effect it has on my body.  My thoughts on food and nutrition get more intentional and purposeful as I get older. I don't have it all figured out yet but I hope by being more aware of my choices this holiday season I'll fill my plate a little less and feel a little better the next day.

*image via Pinterest 

November 21, 2014

Friday Five

On Fridays I talk about five things I've Pinned from the week. I love to cook, shop and DIY. I'm constantly dreaming of what new recipe will wow my husband for dinner or dessert, what item I "need" for my wardrobe this season and what shapes and textures I will put in my dream home some day.

Thursday Threads (I know it's Friday let's just go with it)

This week has really felt like fall in Huntington Beach and its been fun to start wearing sweaters and boots.

November 19, 2014

Where we went

As I've mention before, my husband and I are beer nerds

We like to find new beer, taste, analyze, nickname, judge, critique, rate, oh and buy. We were excited about moving to California because of the well known beer culture and we have not been disappointed.

November 17, 2014

Monday Menu

It's the week before Thanksgiving and while the rest of the country seems to be covered in snow, we are just feeling like fall around here.

November 14, 2014

Friday Five

Let's get real... I have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest.

Love- so many ideas for any and everything, inspiration for outfits, food, decor, etc. and major cut back on magazine purchasing

Hate- I often find myself saying "how have I been on Pinterest for an hour," constant brain overload, and indecision from so many choices

On Fridays I'm going to be posting five of my pins from the week and thoughts about how or why I'm going to use them in my life. Let me know what you think.

November 12, 2014

Where we went: Apples, Apples, Apples

This fall Blake and I made a list of fun things to do and of course one of them was apple picking. It is so easy to take day trips in southern California and I was excited to explore a little area known for apple picking, fresh cider and our course apple cider donuts.

November 6, 2014

Thursday Threads

The weather in Huntington Beach is kind of a dream after three years in Washington, DC and about twenty-seven years in Las Vegas. My closet has experienced some major identity crisis moving from the desert to the swap to the beach but I'm hoping we can stay put and find ourselves a style that will last.


November 5, 2014

Where we went.

Exploring our new home has been so fun these past few months. On Wednesdays I'm going to share thoughts and recommendations on the places we've tried or areas we've explored in and around Huntington Beach,

November 4, 2014

Monday Menu

Every Sunday I sit down with the essentials to plan our weekly menu.

November Seasonal Produce Guide & Recipes
  1. note pad 
  2. calendar
  3. seasonal produce list 
  4. Pinterest/websites/cookbooks

That time I took October off...

So life happens. In the month of October a lot of life was happening and some of it may venture onto the blog. But, for now it's November (SERIOUSLY) and I'm ready to crawl out from under a rock and do life.

Here's to November!